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J Trust --- Current understanding of Group Lease PCL.
On the 10th, J Trust <8508> announced its current understanding regarding Group Lease PCL. As stated in the release on January 12, 2024, JTRUST ASIA PTE. LTD. (hereafter referred to as J Trust Asia) received a final judgment from a Singapore court against Group Lease Holdings Pte. Ltd., Mr. Yoshitaka Koshida (hereafter referred to as Mr. Koshida), and four other parties, amounting to 124,474,854 USD (approximately 18,173 million yen, judgment.
J Trust To Go Ex-Dividend On December 27th, 2024 With 14 JPY Dividend Per Share
December 26th (Japan Standard Time) - $J Trust(8508.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on December 27th, 2024.Shareholders of record on December 31st, 2024 will receive 14 JPY dividend per share. The ex-
Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) ~ Yumetenbo, Toyokumo, ETC are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the day of distribution, it is possible to understand the trends of participation in the market and the interests of market participants. ■ Top volume change rates [Current as of December 20, 9:32] (Comparison with the average volume over the last five days) Stock code Stock name Volume Average volume over 5 days Volume change rate Stock price change rate <3623> Billing Sys 233,300 107,185.08 236.78% 0.0421% <3328>
J Trust Research Memo (3): Improvements are being made in the financial business in South Korea and Mongolia, significantly contributing to performance.
The balance of debt guarantees increased to 245.1 billion yen by the end of September 2024.
J Trust Research Memo (2): For the third quarter of the fiscal year ending December 2024, revenue has increased, although profits have decreased due to special factors from the previous period, but remain steady.
■J Trust <8508> Performance Trends 1. Summary of Q3 for the fiscal year ending December 2024 Consolidated performance for Q3 of the fiscal year ending December 2024 shows operating revenue of 96,915 million yen (an increase of 14.8% year-on-year), operating profit of 5,025 million yen (a decrease of 58.7% year-on-year), profit before tax of 5,985 million yen (a decrease of 57.7% year-on-year), and quarterly profit attributable to owners of the parent company of 4,051 million yen (a decrease of 78.8% year-on-year), resulting in increased revenue but decreased profit. Operating revenue increased by 12,471 million yen compared to the same period last year, and Q3
J-Trust---In the third quarter, double-digit revenue growth, with double-digit revenue growth in Japan finance business, Southeast asia finance business, and a-reit etf business.
J-Trust <8508> announced its consolidated financial results (IFRS) for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending December 2024 (January to September 24). Operating revenue increased by 14.8% year-on-year to 96.915 billion yen, operating profit decreased by 58.7% to 5.025 billion yen, pre-tax profit decreased by 57.7% to 5.985 billion yen, and quarterly profit attributable to the parent company's owner decreased by 78.8% to 4.051 billion yen. Operating revenue of the Japan financial business increased by 17.0% year-on-year to 11.983 billion yen.