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List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks switching to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1870> Yahagi Construction 1502 1553 <2220> Kameda Seika 38954120 <2335> Cube Systems 10171061 <2733> Arata 31103170 <3198> SFP 21702195 <3252> Landlord 21832275 <3391> Tsuruha HD 92219592 <3407> Asahi Kasei 1
List of cloud-breaking stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud-breaking stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke through the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1980> Dai-Dan 3610 3603.75 3343 <2692> Itochu Foods 709070107075 <3480> J.S.B. 28502707.75 2800.5 <3580> Komatsu Matere 802795784 <3834> Asahi Net 641635637.5
Stocks that moved the previous day part 1: Disco, Furukawa Electric, Fujikura ETC.
Stock Name <Code> Closing Price on the 22nd ⇒ Change from Previous Day Source HD <3561> 1061 +138 Expanded the Shareholder benefits program. Bronco B <3091> 3630 +160 Announced that operating profit is expected to increase by 53.9% in the previous period and by 18.5% in the current period. Astroscale <186A> 674 +39 Selected as the contractor for the research and development proposal regarding the economic security important technology development program "Fuel supply technology contributing to satellite lifespan extension." Aeon Kyushu <2653> 2748 -130, fiscal year ending February 2025.
Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
*Furukawa Electric Industry <5801> 7896 +863 Shares of electric wire companies surged due to reports of large AI-related investments in the USA. *Fujikura <5803> 6767 +720 Large infrastructure investments in the USA are seen as a buying opportunity for Optical Fiber-related stocks. *Mitsui E&S <7003> 1635 +159 Marusan Securities recommends initiating a buy. *Disco <6146> 51360 +4760 Anticipation grows ahead of tomorrow's Earnings Reports. *Nomura Micro Science <6254> 2724 +2
Volume change rate ranking (9 o'clock) - Bronco B, Mitsui E&S, etc. are ranked.
In the ranking of Volume change rates, one can understand market participants' interests such as trends in stock selection by comparing the average Volume over the last 5 days with the Volume on the day of distribution. ■Top Volume Change Rates [As of January 22, 9:32] (Comparison of recent 5-day average Volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <4814> Nextware 52000 107185.08 174.76% 0.0075% <3451> To
Sodick To Go Ex-Dividend On December 27th, 2024 With 15 JPY Dividend Per Share
December 26th (Japan Standard Time) - $Sodick(6143.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on December 27th, 2024.Shareholders of record on December 31st, 2024 will receive 15 JPY dividend per share. The ex-