Cross-Platform and Polyglot

Futu OpenD client software

Available in Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu, and CentOS


Futu API

Available for Python, C++, Java, JavaScript, C#, etc.

View API Doc

Robust Technology Architecture

Connect to exchanges in seconds

Client PortalFutu ServerExchanges

Ultimate Speed of Placing Orders

Place an order in 0.0014 s

Free for Customers with Futu Brokerage Account

No additional charge for trades via Futu OpenAPI

Rich Investment Categories

MarketInvestment ProductMarket DataTrading
HK Market
Securities (including stocks, ETFs, warrants, CBBCs, and Inline Warrants)
US Market
Securities (including stocks and ETFs)
A-share market
Securities (including stocks and ETFs)
Singapore Market
Securities (including stocks and ETFs)
Japanese Market

You may need to purchase a Quotation Card to access certain data. Please go to Data Store to make a purchase.

Institutional Services

Personalized market data

Customized trading solutions


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Futu OpenAPI Ⅲ

You can find the QQ group's verification answer in the API document.