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Express News | The total delivery volume of the Xiaomi SU7 has exceeded 0.15 million vehicles.
Counter the EU! Three major car manufacturers have filed a lawsuit against the EU's anti-subsidy tax.
Leading Chinese automobile companies have retaliated against the European Union's imposition of anti-subsidy tariffs.
Express News | The Ministry of Commerce and eight other departments: Stabilize and expand Consumer in Autos, cultivate and grow consumption of Asia Vets in New energy Fund.
Tesla to Recall 1.2 Million Cars in China on Safety Concerns -- Update
BYD: Plans to engage in Forex derivatives hedging Trade, with a business limit of equivalent to 5 billion US dollars.
On January 24th, Gelonghui reported that BYD announced plans to carry out Forex derivative hedging Trade Business, with a business limit equivalent to 5 billion U.S. dollars.
Express News | BYD: Plans to carry out Forex derivative hedging Trade, with a business limit of equivalent to 5 billion USD.