HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.270
  • +0.005+1.89%
Not Open Feb 13 16:09 CST
567.85MMarket Cap2.57P/E (TTM)

About HUILI RES Company

We are a diversified non-ferrous metals mining company based in Hami. Hami is a prefecture-level city located in China's resource-rich Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Currently, we are mainly engaged in nickel and copper mining and ore washing. Among these metals, we believe that the rapidly growing domestic demand for nickel will provide a particularly favorable business environment for our company to supply high-quality refined nickel and copper to the market. Many industries regard nickel as a particularly valuable commodity due to its hardness and oxidation resistance, so it is not surprising that China is the world's largest consumer of refined nickel. However, domestic nickel supply is unable to meet its increased demand, and the imbalance between supply and demand further favors our current business environment. Overall, the reserves of non-renewable ore under our control are abundant and growing day by day, and are the cornerstone of long-term continuous business expansion. In addition to currently holding three mining projects with valid mining and production safety permits, we also hold seven exploration licences, including copper, nickel, lead, zinc and gold, with a total exploration area of over 44 square kilometers. We are also planning to quickly obtain a non-ferrous metals mining license in Shaanxi Province through an acquisition. The annual output of nickel-containing ores and concentrates in Xinjiang is 4.63 thousand metric tons, accounting for about 5% of China's total annual production. We are optimistic about the prospects and are ready to go to seize the opportunities brought by many mining projects in Xinjiang. At the same time, our highly experienced management team has extensive knowledge in the exploration, mining and washing of nickel and other non-ferrous metal ores in Xinjiang. Through an in-depth evaluation of these assets, we will seek the best acquisition targets to help the company achieve endogenous growth. The company's senior management team includes geologists and engineers with extensive industry expertise in mineral reserve exploration, mine construction, operation and safety. The senior management team has developed a series of effective business strategies to help the company become one of the leading diversified metal mining companies in China, including expanding our mining and ore washing capabilities while keeping a close eye on the price trends of our products; and expanding our ore reserves through further exploration and selective acquisitions. Additionally, we will expand our product portfolio and geographic coverage to reduce business risk and expand our revenue base. We will also strengthen partnerships with existing and new customers to more fully meet their supply needs while helping to protect and maintain our environment in accordance with the strictest regulations.

Company Profile

Company NameHUILI RES
Listing DateJan 12, 2012
Issue Price1.70
Shares Offered250.00M share(s)
FoundedFeb 19, 2010
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Chairmanyazhou cui
Secretaryliwen xian
Audit InstitutionZhonghui Anda Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
Company CategoryOther
Registered OfficeCricket Square Hutchins Drive P.O. Box 2681 Grand Cayman KY1-1111 Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of BusinessRooms 36-40, 50th Floor, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business Huili Resources (Group) Co., Ltd. is an investment holding company mainly engaged in coal processing, supply chain services and trade services, and non-ferrous mineral mining and beneficiation. The company mainly operates its business through two divisions. The mining division is mainly engaged in mining, mineral processing and sales of nickel, copper, lead and zinc products. The Coal Business Division is mainly engaged in the coal trade and provision of coal processing services and the coal service supply chain. The company mainly operates in the domestic market.

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • yazhou cui
  • Presidencies, Executive Director, Authorized Representative
  • 899.00K
  • xin ye
  • Executive Director, Legal representative, general manager and director of Tianshi Fund Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
  • 442.00K
  • qian wang
  • Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members
  • 81.00K
  • jianzhong zhou
  • Executive Director, Legal Representatives of Hami Jinhua and Hami Jiatai
  • 304.00K
  • ye cao
  • Non-executive Directors
  • 163.00K
  • siying xiang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Audit Committee Members
  • 109.00K
  • guantong ruan
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • --
  • bingquan chen
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Trade Supervisor of Shanxi Changsheng Xinlong Supply Chain Management Service Co., Ltd., Audit Committee Members
  • 109.00K
  • liwen xian
  • Authorized Representative, Company Secretary
  • --
  • weigang gao
  • VP
  • --
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